How Video Games Provide Learning Opportunities for Your Kids

How Video Games Provide Learning Opportunities for Your Kids

In today’s online environment, kids are spending more and more time playing video games, often causing many parents to worry. Can video games become addictive? What are the physical implications of being in front of a screen for so long?

The good news is, your child’s developing mind can benefit from playing video games. In the post below, we’ll cover some of these benefits, as well as some strategies you can use as a parent that support video games as a learning tool.

Video games include wide variety of learning

Many video games offer educational content. Games such as Minecraft and Roblox Studio can teach your child about Chemistry, Ecology, Math, Science, Engineering, Game Design, and Coding. Educators are using Minecraft Education in the classroom, and Roblox offers online curriculum with lessons that are built to meet specific STEM learning outcomes.

Video games help improve children’s technical abilities

Almost all video games are helping improve your child’s ability to navigate a computer and develop hand-eye coordination and fine motor skills. These are critical skills in today’s digital world.

Video games offer opportunities for social interaction

Video games are one of the largest sources of social interaction, and they are a comparatively cheaper alternative to things like going to the movies, concerts or going out to eat.

Video games inspire creativity

Video games can inspire creativity, just like reading a book or watching a movie. While kids may not be developing reading skills while playing video games, they are still expanding their imagination and developing other skills.

Now that we understand some benefits of playing video games, how can parents make the most of these benefits?

Be informed about the content of your child’s video games

Find out what the video game offers your child in terms of content and benefits. Try it out if you can. Read reviews on what the game is about. And check out each game’s ESRB rating and understand what that means.

Encourage healthy social practices

Make sure your children learn online manners and etiquette, just like they learned please and thank you. Encourage healthy competitive behavior online, including graceful winning and losing. Promote respectful conversation and positive attitudes.

Set goals rather than limits

Encourage your child to accomplish something specific during their playtime rather than setting a limit on how long they play. This encouragement promotes goal-oriented thinking and provides children with game-playing purpose rather than aimless wandering.


Play games with your children to help connect with them. When that isn’t possible, try to connect what they do in the video game with other parts of your life together. Connecting video games to shared interests outside of video games helps children increase the scope of learning that video games can provide.

Here at Empow, we’re always happy to answer any questions you might have about video games or other STEM programs. You can always reach us at!



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